We fill many sandbags
and construct defence posts. One of our members, an architect,
draws an excellent map of our territory, 6in. to 1 mile, and
another member in the trade prints copies. We learn military
map-reading. We select additional observation posts in view
of one of the principal jobs of the H.G. at that time of observation
and report, but always with the primary training devoted to
the rifle. We fire on the 200 yards range using .303 Ross
rifles and the limited supply of training ammunition available,
and are very disappointed at the result.
We draw up a "tree" call-up system and emergency
mobilisation orders and try them out, with satisfying results.
We parade at the Church for each man to see the position
of the rope for the bell - the local warning system for
airborne invasion.
By the close of the year serge battledress and greatcoats
make a welcome appearance.
We hold N.C.Os. meetings weekly to put everyone "in
the picture" about past and future training and happenings,
and some lively discussions ensue. We form a platoon fund
with subscriptions from its members and elect a Committee
of N.C.Os. to administer the fund. We scrutinise carefully
the trickle of "paper" which has now become a
flood, despite the efforts of our Company Commander to restrict
"paper" to the platoons to absolute essentials.
We hold N.C.Os. "shouting" parades prior to the
general Sunday parade to promote confidence in giving orders.
The Company Commander and 2 i/c call regular
meetings of Company officers, and we discuss our difficulties
and those of our neighbouring platoons. We receive our orders
and advice and help on our problems. Company H.Q. is established
under very comfortable conditions at a requisitioned house,
"The Greylands", and every consideration and assistance
is given to us by Company. We attend Company parades with
regular N.C.Os. instructing, and Church parades and route
marches always followed with the welcome pot of beer which
seems to characterise all Home Guard activity.
Nineteen-forty-one comes in with deep snow,
which interferes with training; but the night guards are
still mounted despite the appalling travel conditions. Men
walk three miles through deep snow to do their turn of duty.
We have a new defence scheme with new tasks,
one of which is to cover an important road fork. A section
trench is sited on high ground with an excellent covered
approach through the Church Wood, and digging is started.
Six parades are spent in this way and we make a good job
of it with revetting, duck-boards, and camouflage both from
the ground and air, provided from natural materials readily
to hand. One of our members, a builder, undertakes drainage
and weather-proofing of sandbags. Some of the yew used for
revetment is left lying about, bringing strong
(Images of the Platoon can be seen on this page)