L/Cpl. T. Hartshorne has been a consistent "star"
throughout the series, particularly in the sprints, closely
followed by Sergt. F. E. Wilkes, while in the middle- and
long-distance races Sergt. C. Parkes, Lieut. H. J. Hooper,
and Pte. S. A. Wesson have been grand performers year by
year. In the field events our best high jumpers have been
Cpl. E. Smith, with Pte. J. A. Smith and Lieut. G. C. Richards
very near rivals, and Cpl. W. F. Paget has excelled in the
long jump. The shot putting of C.S.M. Buck and Pte. G. Wynne
was always of good style and standard.
The veterans were invariably well represented and raced
with great determination and vigour. Team competitions,
such as the inter-company
tug-of-war, were conducted in great spirit. "C"
Company won the relay and tug-of-war twice and, for three
successive years, "E" Company gained the award
for the best company, but were beaten finally into second
place by "C" Company in 1944.
The organisation of sports days involved a great deal of
work and preparation, and a committee composed of Company
representatives, under the chairmanship of Major J. Trevor-Jones,
was responsible for this. The detailed arrangements of the
sports themselves were the responsibility of the Battalion
Sports Officer, who was supported by Major W. G. Davies,
who contributed by his hard work and enthusiasm to the general