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home is in Stafford but who has been working in the Aldridge area. With dark curly hair, and a quick, shy smile she had been liked by all and has been a good and intelligent signaller. E. Kneale, one of the drivers, a bright and breezy personality, ready to do what is required of her in the way of duty and ready always with the "helping hand". Then there is our Mrs. Avery, mother of us all, who at seventy-odd looks as smart in her uniform as any. Quietly competent in the jobs she undertakes, she has been in, unofficially, from the start, helping the men, and then, later, her women companions. An Aldrldge resident, with a son who is a Home Guard Sergeant. I ought to mention two others of our number, Doreen Brown and her friend, Joyce Ibbs, both of Aldridge. They joined early and trained with us for a while, but were later transferred to Sector. Then there is myself, Maud Arden, and what can I say? I am a veteran of the original Women's Army, and have also a family tradition of service in this war and the last. I am happy to say that I was one of the four signallers chosen from the women for the recent test.

I hope I have mentioned all, at any rate, all with whom I have had some contact. Have I made each one "pleasant and lovely". Do they seem unreal? If I have it is the side they showed to me and the world on parade. It is the side I most want to remember.

Little is known in the ranks of the W.A.H.G. of the Administrative side, the fight for recognition and the ceaseless, and ultimately triumphant efforts at B.H.Q. to obtain uniforms and also to convince the "powers that be" that the Women's Section could efficiently handle its specific jobs.

I think it is true to say that after our baptismal Exercise there were no longer any doubts in the minds of the sceptics (and there were undoubtedly a few) as to the ability of the women to play their part.