with dumb insolence to a superior Officer as well as attempted
murder. Now tell me, where were you when you "shot"?
And call me ‘sir’".
"I were behind a bub-bub-bush, sir."
"Behind a bush! You ought to have been in the lovely
trench we dug for you! What were you doing behind a bush?"
"I were doing a shush-shush-shiver, sir."
"My God! Call yourself a soldier! What were you doing
a shiver for?"
"I c-c-c-could see summat move, sir. It were coming
towards me, like."
"Like what?"
"Summat like a German, sir."
"Oh! So you saw a summat, summat like a German coming
towards you. Haven't I wore meself out telling you to challenge
anyone approaching your post?"
"I did give a shush-shush-shout, sir."
"Oh! You shouted, did you. After me wearing me voice
out all these weeks telling you that sentries on active
service always speak low but aggressive. Why didn't you
speak low, like I'm doing now?" (......continues.....)