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This is a page of the GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE HOME GUARD section of
Please go to Site Map for complete site contents.
Page last modified 5 April 2024
Within the U.K. reenactment scene there are a number of groups in different parts of the country who specialise in recreating the activities of the Home Guard of 1940-1944. These groups pride themselves in reproducing, as authentically as they can, all aspects of that service, including uniform, equipment and activities. They are often to be seen by the general public at such events as 1940s weekends. Their aim - like that of this website - is to commemorate the contribution made by the original Home Guards who served their country with devotion, energy and skill for four-and-a-half long years.
Home Guard reenactment/living
history groups offer one big advantage over others: individuals can enact their own age - anything from 15 to 75 - just like the original members and unlike any other branch of the Armed Services.
These 21st century Home Guard units welcome any potential new member of any age who has an interest in joining them in their hobby. Details of some of them are listed below including an introductory comment from each.
(New entry)

Scally writes: We are a small group who portray 201
Ayr Home Guard up in South Ayrshire Scotland.
At this time the group
comprises 5 to 6 members from the ages of 24 to 68. We meet
once a month for a training day at our H.Q., Cultybraggen
ex-army camp as we have a few huts there. In-between times
we go to shows to demonstrate and inform. We are mostly ex-Army
and Royal Navy apart for one, the young lad who is at
We are always happy to meet
like-minded people and hopefully obtain new members. We are
truly SCALLYWAGS as my name is Peter C. Scally!!
Peter Scally, Alwyn
Cottage, Maybole, Ayrshire, Scotland KA19 8JU
and OXFORDSHIRE (New entry)
The 1st Berkshire (Abingdon) Battalion ("D" & "E" Coy.) Home Guard Living History Group was formed in 2011
covering Abingdon, Didcot and Wallingford
but disbanded a few years later. They
have been superseded by another group covering a similar area of
Berkshire and Oxfordshire. That group provides
staffshomeguard with the following information
(March 2024):
The Redline Home Guard LHG
represent the 1st Berkshire
(Abingdon) and 5th
Oxfordshire (Henley) Battalions of the Home Guard that
defended Stop Line Red along the county border.

Our aim is to pay tribute to our
brave local Berkshire and Oxfordshire men, who volunteered to
defend our homes, factories, infrastructure and countryside
from the threat of the expected German invasion in 1940. Even
once the threat of invasion had passed, the local Home Guard
provided guard posts to vital military installations, air
bases, railways, river crossings and also performing other
duties, to free up regular troops for duties overseas. During
their short history of four years, approximately 1,200 members
of Britain’s Home Guard were killed as they performed their
duty and many more injured. “We will remember them”.

Our members come together with
all the duty, comradeship, humour and sense of adventure of
the original Volunteers. We meet twice a month at variety of
locations within the area (wherever possible using sites with
history to the period) and undertake the same training and
duties of the Home Guard. We actively have open days along the
GHQ Stop Line and visit and display at many of the pillboxes
that form the Red Stop Line along the River Thames footpath
between Abingdon and Pangbourne.
The 1st Berkshire’s forty
Platoon bases are now in the region of South Oxfordshire,
after the 1974 County Boundary Changes, another piece of
history long forgotten.
We attend local shows and
railway events around their old patch, and where possible we
try to recreate aspects of the Battalions with uniforms, kit,
and weapons of the day. It has been our privilege to have met
some surviving members of the Home Guard and hear their many
stories of their unique experience of that time in our

Our group welcomes like-minded
recruits: for information please contact The Redline Home
Guard: - by email:
or - by phone: (Mike) 07780 360455
or (Ant) 07872 648718 - online, via
our website or Facebook page
(see below for links)
Cheshire Home Guard (17 Batt.)
This Group has recently
(2021) reorganised itself and whilst still small ("4 members and a dog!")
is active and would welcome approaches from potential new members or
those wishing to avail themselves of its services.
It is a Chester based unit, formed as a tribute to the brave
men and women who “kept calm and carried on” through the dark and
dangerous days of WW2. It represents both military and
civilian - the Home Guard and the Home Front in general.
The Group has strong links with
Chester Military Museum, and is fortunate to have as its patron
Julie Summers, the author.

GLAMORGAN, Bridgend, mid-Glamorgan
The Glamorgan Home Guard was formed at the end of 2007 and consists of some experienced re-enactors and some people new to the hobby.
We try to recreate all aspects of the Home Guard and try to stay within the early years 1940/41. We meet at the 1940 Swansea Bay Museum for regular training events and also travel further afield to events around the country. In addition to the contact details below you can get in touch with us via the Museum.
We also have a strong link with 'a Very Special Regiment', the Lovat Scout Group. We also have a member who is associated with 'UK Home Front', the premier 1940 Civilian Living History Group.Membership is open to anyone who has a genuine interest in the British Home Front during WW2. Apart from a Home Guard section, we also have Navy, RAF and civilian members.
The Hertfordshire Home Guard Living History Group is new, having been formed in 2012. We reenact the Hertfordshire Home Guard, using only those weapons and equipment which the original Home Guards in our area would have used. We have a weapons display and also reenact HG bomb disposal procedures and drill.

This is our aim:
- To pay tribute to the men and women who volunteered their time and effort to help protect this country from an expected/imminent invasion force and to keep alive the memory of the largest volunteer army in history.
We seek to achieve this:
- by researching the history of the Home Guard in Hertfordshire and taking part in 1940s events. We also take part in drill and weapons training which helps us better to portray life in wartime Britain. We make school visits in Hertfordshire where local school children experience a little of what life was like during the dark days of the Second World War. We also provide displays and demonstrations at living history events and venues throughout Hertfordshire and beyond.
Recruits wanted!
We are looking for new members to join us for a great time, to meet people and to do demonstrations to show off the Home Guard.
Please visit our website.
The Isle of Man Home Guard Re-enactment Society portrays the I.O.M. HG, specifically:
"D" COY.
We are actively looking for recruits aged between 17 and 65. Please contact us via email (below) or telephone 07624 466094.
Our website went online in August 2011 - please click the link below.

KENT, Chatham
Chatham Home Guard was formed in 1994 to accurately portray the Home Guard, research their history and to educate the public. Chatham Home Guard is a member of NAReS, the National Association of Re-enactment Societies, and has worked for many organisations over the last 15 years including The Royal
British Legion, The National Trust and English Heritage. Our members have experience working for the film & television industry and in the past Chatham Home Guard has supplied both re-enactors and technical advice.
Based at Chatham Historic Dockyard we portray the 31st Kent Chatham Dockyard) Battalion, Home Guard. We hold training days once a month allowing our members to familiarise themselves with Home Guard weapons, uniforms and equipment and gain knowledge of the Home Guard's role during WWII. We also attend events both large and small, mostly in south-east England.
As a unit we portray men who were prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice in defence of their country so we have a duty to take our role seriously. At the same time we make living history and reenactment an interesting and enjoyable experience for our members.
We are always looking for new members and, as with the original Home Guard, previous experience is not a requirement. A good attitude and a willingness to do it right is what is important to us. If you are interested in joining Chatham Home Guard, please visit our website or contact us via the e-mail link
KENT, Maidstone
The Barmy Army Film Club is based in Maidstone Kent and is run by a group of friends who hold meetings at The Swan Public House Maidstone (excellent range of Ales and fine food) on the first Monday of each month.
See the website for further information. |

Leicestershire was no different than many parts of the country when its menfolk received the call from Antony Eden to enlist in, what was called in the early days, the LDV, later the Home Guard. They came from all walks of life and all ages to “do their duty”.
Leicestershire Home Guard Living History Group relive those days with what must be one of the best Home Guard displays in the country. Displaying not only the weapons but the uniforms, documents and paraphernalia associated with what became a fully trained “Army”. Training weapons as well as front line rifles all displayed for members of the public to see, often for the first time, what a real Tommy gun looks like.
The members of the group are always on hand not only to discuss this time of great turmoil but to explain and educate members of the public whose only knowledge of the Home Guard is watching that much-loved Dad’s Army. Whilst that programme is a sitcom many members of the public over the years have explained that in fact real life was indeed stranger and funnier at times than fiction. These tales have been retained and are woven into the display so that anyone visiting it is taken back to those bleak times in both detail and atmosphere.
Whilst, had the Nazi hordes reached Leicestershire the overall situation would have been difficult for the country as a whole, it goes without saying that the men and women of the Leicestershire Home Guard would have given their all to defeat the enemy. As it was 18 Home Guardsmen gave their lives during the war so that we could have ours!
If you would like to know more about the Leicestershire Home Guard's background and uniform or wish to tell us your tales then come and visit us at the many shows we attend in the Midlands throughout the year.
Neil Hunt - 07929952865 or email below
Dave Morse - 07747397172 or email below
follow the Leicestershire Home Guard Living History Group on facebook below |
For further information on the Leicestershire Home Guard a good read is "To The Last Round: The Leicestershire & Rutland Home Guard 1940-1945" by Austin J. Ruddy, Breedon Books, 2007, ISBN 978 1 85983 559 3 |
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Pitsford and Brixworth
Pitsford Home Guard was formed in September 2005 and is a tribute to the 9th (Brixworth) Battalion of Northamptonshire Home Guard who answered Anthony Eden's call in May 1940. Many of our members are volunteers at the Northampton & Lamport Railway and the unit supports the railway at their 1940s events just as railway workers during WW2 would have volunteered for the Home Guard.
We portray No 5 Platoon (Pitsford) of D Company 9th (Brixworth) Battalion Northamptonshire Home Guard. Our uniforms and equipmennt have developed just as the original Home Guard did, starting off with civvies and LDV arm bands, denim overalls and later 1937 pattern battledress. The platoon can now muster a denim section and a battle dress section. The Pitsford Home Guard researches the history of the Home Guard in Northamptonshire and takes part in Home Guard re-enactments, 1940s events and talks for local groups and schools. At our monthly parades we take part in exercises covering drill and weapons training as well as lectures, presentations and information films from the period which helps us better portray life in wartime Britain. We have developed links with other museums around the county and have good working relationships with Sywell Aviation Museum, the Canal Museum at Stoke Bruerne and the Rushden Historical Transport Society.
Our main event is the Railway at War event at the Northampton & Lamport Railway in September each year. We are always pleased to welcome visiting Home Guards to this event where they are able to take part in our exercises and displays. New members are welcome to join us from Northamptonshire or beyond. Further details are available from our website or via email using the links below.
NORTH-EAST (New entry)

The Victory in Europe Reenactment
Association is a long and well established ‘living history’
group with its roots firmly set in the North East of
England. Representing the men of the ‘Vickers-Armstrongs
(Factory) Home Guard’ we display at events across the UK.
Our display features a Northover
Projector and a Browning .300 Machine Gun, alongside other
various small arms and improvised weapons associated with
the Home Guard.
our larger events we run a ‘HOME GUARD BATTLE SCHOOL’ -
this is great for younger members of the public attending to
take part in grenade throwing and hone their ‘friend or foe’
recognition skills!
Female Home Guard Auxiliaries
Army support us at our events and are always welcome. We are
always recruiting new and enthusiastic members, so pop over
for a chat or contact us through Facebook.
As well as attending public
events we are available for TV/Film work (we have previous
experience BBC/Channel 4) and can be contacted through our
Facebook page.
For information on:
please see BERKSHIRE
and OXFORDSHIRE above.
The Oxfordshire Home Guard and Women's HG
Auxiliaries Living History Group was formed in January 2013 and is dedicated to the memory of those who were prepared to give their lives when the invasion of the United Kingdon in WW2 was a very real threat.
The group aims to preserve the history of the
Oxfordshire Home Guard (e.g. the
Bicester unit seen right) and the Home Front in general including:
- The Land Army
- Women and their part in the war at home
- Air Raid Wardens
The Oxfordshire Group attends shows throughout the United
Kingdom providing an interesting and educational experience for those interested in the Home Front.
We also provide educational presentations to schools and other groups within the local area.
As a group we are very keen to expand our knowledge of the Home Front and we welcome new members whatever experience they may have on the subject.
Any enquiries please direct to our email address below (under
Contact Us) or by phone to Pete Salcombe on 07804 501930

South Staffs Living History Group
reenacts Home Guard, Home Front and
German subjects and participates regularly in events
throughout the Midlands.
The subject of its
Home Guard reenactment is "B" Company of the 32nd
Staffordshire (Aldridge) Battalion. (The story of this
Battalion lies at the heart of this website which contains
much information about it. Go to the
page to find it).
SUFFOLK, Elmswell
About the Elmswell Home Guard
in Bury St Edmunds, 'F' Company of the 3rd Battalion Suffolk
Home Guard originally formed in Elmswell as the Local
Defence Volunteers in May 1940 becoming the Home Guard a few
weeks later under the command of Captain James "Jock"
Henderson. By 1941 Elmswell was the largest unit in its area
with 2 officers and 61 men.
Although much smaller than the village of today, Elmswell
was located along Eastern Command’s invasion Stop Line 'D'
and was home to a number of food producers as well as timber
production. The railway yard formed a central point for
these industries, so security was paramount, even more so
after the US Army Air Force moved into Great Ashfield from
1942 with the 385th Bombardment Group. Much of the base's
supply came via the railway at Elmswell, so regular patrols
were mounted around the station.
About us
Starting in 2015, the
3rd Battalion Suffolk Home Guard Living History Group aims
to tell the real story of the wider Home Guard, and the
story of the Elmswell Home Guard through our display of
photos, weapons, equipment and other artefacts.
personal links to the men of the Elmswell Home Guard, this
living history group strives to ensure we do these men
justice in a way that is accurate, interesting and enjoyable
to our members and the public who see us at events. Being
local is not a prerequisite to membership, one of the
original F Company NCO’s hailed from as far away as Somerset!
with the original Home Guard, we are currently looking for
new members aged 17-65 and previous experience is not a
requirement. All we ask is that you are keen to learn,
have a willingness to do things right, and have your own
transport in order to get to events and training days where
we learn about the equipment and hone our knowledge. While
all this may sound a bit serious we also have fun too, after
all there's little point if it's not enjoyable!
you are interested in joining us, please contact us - either
via email as below or by phone (07791
- and we will be in touch soon
SUSSEX, Hastings
The 23rd Sussex Home Guard was formed in 2000, the aim being to recreate a fully trained and armed Home Guard Battle Platoon as they would have appeared in early 1942. They are located in Southern England and represent the Hastings Battalion of the Home Guard. To this end they now muster over twenty men under the command of a First Lieutenant. The Platoon is trained in WW2 arms drill as well as battle tactics and when the occasion demands it can stand to with a full complement of firing P14s & P17s. They also have firing S.M.L.E.s, shotguns and Ross Rifles.
Light support weapons include 2 firing Boys Anti Tank Rifles and a Northover Projector on wheeled carriage. At non-firing events the Platoon turns out armed with deactivated rifles, B.A.R., E.Y. Rifles, Sten Guns & Thompson Sub Machine Guns. For display purposes there are both WW1 era Lewis Gun and Vickers Gun. A full tented encampment is usually featured along with support motor vehicles, motor cycles and pedal bicycles.
If required they are able to parade as L.D.V. in 1940 era civilian clothes or early wartime denim uniforms.
YORKSHIRE, Doncaster, South Yorkshire
A group has been formed to reenact WR 46, Doncaster Homeguard.
The original of the unit which is now re-created was based at the Doncaster Plant works during WW2 and undertook protection duties there. For further information please make contact by email using the link below.
YORKSHIRE, Harrogate, North Yorkshire
We are called the WR5 Harrogate Home Guard. We display period uniforms, equipment and weapons of the Home Guard units from WW2. As the veterans of the Home Guard become fewer the public perception of the Home Guard in WW2 has been taken over by the antics and humour of the Dad's Army television shows and their exploits. Whilst some of this was gleaned from real life the grim wartime days of food rationing, 50 and 60 hour working weeks in reserved occupations followed by compulsory guard duties on a freezing cold night were a truer but less audience thrilling reality.
We aim to give a broad picture of life in Home Front Britain and what the Home Guard were asked to achieve. Over 1,700 Home Guards were actually killed on active service, a figure staggering to many. In the West Riding area this sadly included one former WW1 veteran who was awarded the Victoria Cross for gallantry.
Based up in the North East we attend events at various times through the year, but also travel further afield! For further information feel free to contact us by email using the link below.
Peter Whitaker (Pte - WR28HG) writes:
We are 'C' Coy., West Riding 28th Battalion (who were Haworth Home Guard). We meet once a month in the Old White Lion in Haworth (where our wartime heroes met too!) - usually on the third Wednesday of the month when anyone is welcome - and are regularly seen in our area on re-enactments. The Haworth 1940s weekend in May is one of our highlights and HG reenactors from other groups will receive a warm welcome.
"C" Coy., WR28 at Ryedale Folk Museum
Front row:
from left, Sgt. John Clegg, Capt. Peter Wedel, Cpl. Peter Whitaker and L/Cpl. Patrick Hargreaves
Second row:
our HG Aux. Women members
Third row:
the rest of our Home Guards
Feel free to contact our C.O. Major Gordon
Hutchison who would be happy
to talk HG with anyone. Please use the
Contact Us link below. And please check our website for up-to-date news.
This unit made a major contribution to the ceremony marking the 90th anniversary of the unveiling of the War Memorial in Sutton-in-Craven, Yorkshire on 19th March 2011. See here for images of the event.
January 2016 The unit has created an
excellent training film dealing with the Northover
Projector. It is filmed in the style of the time and
includes a sequence where the weapon is used in connection
with the recapture of escaped POWs. It can be viewed
2016 We regret to announce the passing of
our previous C.O., Capt. Peter Wedel.
November 2017 Our revised website is now
YORKSHIRE, Ingleton, North Yorkshire
The WR31 (West Riding 31 - Duke of Wellington Regiment) Home Guard Unit of today is based in Ingleton and takes part in living history displays, 1940's weekends, re-enactments and weekend camps. We are also members of the Military Vehicle Trust (MVT) South Cumbria and North Lancashire group. Forthcoming events (which are detailed in our website) include Operation Home Guard in Ingleton, the Myerscough College Event near Preston, Wray Fair, a weekend training camp and other events. Members include Home Guard, RAF, Naval and civilian Re-enactors. Gracie Lands (1940's singer and DJ) is the chair person.
But we also need new members to join us. We are seeking anyone who has an interest in the Home Guard or the Home Front in general. Younger members will be especially welcome. Check us out on our website. If you would like to join us, please email us for infomation, using the Contact Us link below.

YORKSHIRE, Pontefract
It's 8 years since the humble beginnings of Pontefract Home Guard Living History Group and it has grown as the interest in the Home Guard has grown and now commands a membership of 18, with ATS, Civilian and 13 wearing the Home Guard uniform of the West Riding 48th Battalion.
We look at the seriousness through the uncertainty and the comic through the improvisation, but never allow ourselves to trivialise, romanticise, fictionalise or glorify the war years on the Home Front. A second impression is of the secret work of the Auxiliary Units and we are proud to claim to be the first group to portray these men in our way and are honoured to have a close relationship with the A.U. museum in Suffolk.
If you are interested in our activities, please get in touch with us using the Contact Us link below.
YORKSHIRE, Redcar, North Yorkshire (now Cleveland)
Amended entry!
A new group
has been formed to reenact NRY 4, Redcar Home Guard 4th Battalion Green Howards.
The original of the unit which is now being re-created was based in and around the town of Redcar and its steelworks, undertaking protection duties both there and in the area surrounding Redcar.
The group's founder, David Lambert, has been personally reenacting a private in this unit since October 2012 and is seeking other potential members who are interested in joining him. Please contact him by using the email link below.
The Group now has a Facebook presence which
enables members and potential members to intereact, ask
questions and keep up-to-date on what is going on. Please
use the link below.
There are many other groups and individuals in various parts of the country recreating HG units which may or may not be local to their area
and which may or may not be currently active. Here are the locations of some of those of whom staffshomeguard is aware (but who have not so far provided further information and contact details):
CARMARTHEN - CRM 6, St. Clears Region
DURHAM, Sunderland
ESSEX, Braintree
NORFOLK Unknown location
NORFOLK, King's Lynn and Sandringham, Holt and Sheringham
NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Bulwell and Basford
PEMBROKESHIRE, Tenby - PEM 2, Tenby Battalion HQ
SHROPSHIRE, Ironbridge
SUFFOLK -10th Suffolk Battn.
SURREY, Farnham
WORCESTERSHIRE, Kidderminster (WOR 2 Group)
WORCESTERSHIRE, Worcester (WOR 1 Group)
WORCESTERSHIRE, Redditch "C" Coy., 9th Worcestershire
(Redditch) Battn. (Active 2020)
YORKSHIRE, Sheffield
USA, Mass. (Perthshire)
If you wish details of your group to be included on this page, please use this FEEDBACK link.
Many reenactors use the excellent WWIIReenacting Forum to discuss aspects of their activities.