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Most recent update: 28th July
THIS PAGE is an Index
to various publications: HOME
A wide range of material was published between 1940 and 1944 in order
to instruct, train and generally guide Home Guards
as they attempted to master new techniques and equipment and achieve an ever increasing level of professionalism. Some of these publications are shown below; most are from a large private collection whose owner has generously permitted them to be shared with visitors to this website.
The documents so far contained within this website are listed immediately below, in the form of a link to the appropriate separate page via title; they will consist either of the complete manual or, more usually, of the front cover and the contents list to indicate what the complete document contains.
On this page also, at
the foot of the page, are a number of leaflets
issued to householders in general as guidance in the event of air-raids
and other circumstances of war.
Another section of this website is devoted to other types of paperwork with which Home Guard units had to deal constantly, the more routine paperwork necessary - or deemed necessary by higher authority - for the management of the force and the general guidance and encouragement of its members: see: PAPERWORK, RED TAPE AND BUMF.
(Click on the icon
to view) |
Bombards Bombs & Grenades - No. 3 School, Onibury |
Home Guard Squad Commander's Hand Book, 1943 - North Midland District |
Road Blocks and Check Points |
Small Arms Instruction - for Police & Home Guard (Askew) |
Manual of Grenades and New Grenade Chart (Cowan - Bernards) |
First Aid for the Fighting Man (Keogh - Sifton Praed) |
Tommy Gun, Rifle and Bayonet (Nicholson, Watson) |
Browning Automatic Rifle (Gale & Polden) |
Bren Light Machine Gun (Gale & Polden) |
Squad Battle Drill 1942 - North Midland District |
Enfield (1914) Rifle - the P14 (Gale & Polden) |
Training Chart - Bayonet Fighting |
Training Chart - Light Auto. Machine Guns for A-A |
Training Chart - Drill |
Training Chart - Field Sketching |
Training Chart - How the Rangefinder Works |
Training Chart - Theory of Small Arms Fire |
Training Chart - Tank Fighting |
Training Chart - Street Fighting |
Training Chart - Manning the Barricades |
Training Chart - Movement by Night |
Training Chart - Stalking |
Training Chart - Make Yourself an Invisible Man |
Training Chart - What You Should Know about Hand Grenades |
Home Guard Courses - South Staffs Zone (1943) |
Hints for the Home Guard (Fitzwilliams) |
Handbook for the Thompson Submachine Gun (1940) |
Rough Stuff for Home Guards (Duffield and Elliot) |
The HG Encyclopedia (Elliot) |
Parachutes over Britain (Langdon-Davies) |
The Art of Prowling (Wade - Gale & Polden) |
The Defence of Villages and Small Towns (Wade - Gale & Polden) |
Road Blocks (Wade - Gale & Polden) |
The Fighting Patrol (Wade - Gale & Polden) |
Fighting Patrol Training (Wade - Gale & Polden) |
Fighting Patrol Tactics (Wade - Gale & Polden) |
Fire Control (Wade - Gale & Polden) |
Combat without Weapons (Leather - Gale & Polden) |
The Complete Lewis Gunner (Gale & Polden) |
The Sten Machine Carbine (Gale & Polden) |
The Thompson Submachine Gun (Gale & Polden) |
Lewis Machine Gun Mechanism Made Easy (Gale & Polden) |
Drill Up To Date |
Wireless and How it Works (Longmans) |
The Theory of Rifle Fire (Gale & Polden) |
The Service Rifle and How to Use it (Gale & Polden) |
We Shall Fight in the Streets (Cuthbert - Gale & Polden) |
Home Guard Warfare (Langdon-Davies) |
Home Guard for Victory (Slater) |
Boys Anti-tank Rifle (Gale & Polden) |
Bayonet Battle Training (Twine - Gale & Polden) |
The Browning Heavy Machine Gun Mechanism Made Easy (Gale & Polden) |
Unarmed Combat (Hipkiss) |
Home Guard Pocket Book (Green - Worthing Gazette) |
Map Reading, Scouting and Camouflage ("The Scout" |
Rifle Training for War (Robinson - Cassell) |
Home Guard Training (Levey - Eyre & Spottiswoode) |
Unarmed Action - A Handbook for the Home Guard (Wood) |
Training Course for Home Guard Instructors (Marques) |
General Knowledge for Home Guards (Mackay) |
.300 Lewis Gun for the Home Guard (Bodman - Bravon Ledger, 1941) |
The Home Guard Signalling Manual (Walters - Pearson) |
Harrying the Hun (Demuth) |
Practical Camouflage (Demuth) |
The Home Guard Pocket Manual |
Camouflage Simply Explained (Smith - Pitman) |
Guns for the Home Guard |
How to Stalk (Langdon-Davies - Murray) |
Manual of the Sten Gun (Manders, Capper) |
The Fighting Patrol (Wade - Gale & Polden) |
A Home Guard Drill Book and Field Service Manual |
Advanced Training for the Home Guard (Brophy - Hodder & Stoughton) |
Home Guard - A Handbook for the LDV (Brophy - Hodder & Stoughton) |
Home Guard Proficiency (Brophy - Hodder & Stoughton) |
Practical Unarmed Combat (Feldenkrais) |
Small Arms Manual (Barlow - Murray) |
The Home Guard Training Manual (Langdon-Davies) |
The Home Guard Fieldcraft Manual (Langdon-Davies - Murray) |
A Message to the Home Guard (Langdon-Davies) |
A Manual of Street Fighting |
Duties of Sentries (LDV Corps - Warley, Danilo Platoon - 23/7/40) |
Outline of Battle Practice for Junior Leaders - Attack (S. Staffs) |
Manual of Guerilla Tactics |
Manual of Commando and Guerilla Warfare - Unarmed Combat |
First Aid for the Home Guard (Morris Jones) |
Map Reading for the Home Guard (Lewis and Morgan) |
Wireless and How It Works (Longmans) |
The American Browning Automatic Rifle (Smith) |
Home Guard Pocket Book ( West Sussex Home Guard - Green) |
Shooting to Kill (Elliot) |
Guerrilla Warfare ('Yank' Levy) |
Signalling and Map-Reading for the Home Guard (Stokes) |
Total War Training for Home Guard Officers and NCOs (Armour) |
Book of the Blacker Bombard (Gale and Polden)
.300 Vickers Machine Gun - Mechanism Made Easy (Gale and Polden) |
When The Balloon Goes Up - 101 Questions for the Home Guard (Shillito) |
Armoured Vehicles,
Allied/German - Sketches for a city battn. training
(Bradbury) |
Home Guard Manual
of Camouflage (Penrose) |
Know Your Weapons,
Nos. 1-4 (Nicholson and Watson) |
Guerillas v. Tanks
("Cambrai") |
Invasion Tactics
(Necker) |
Strategy and
Tactics of the Modern German Army (Bernards) |
Tanks at War
("Factus") |
Aids to Weapon
Training (Thornton, Walters) |
Home Guard
Officers and Section Leaders Handbook (Kerr) |
Training for the Home Guard Despatch Rider (Motor
Cycling) |
Personal Defence
Against Gas - Coventry Zone Home Guard |
Flagwagger's Card |
Aiming Practice/Triangle of Error Card |
Squad Battle Drill
Procedure Cards (North Midland District) |
Small Arms Manual
(Lt.-Col. J. A. Barlow - Murray) |
Rights and Powers of the Home Guard (John Burke -
Hamish Hamilton, 1940) |
Sten Machine
Carbine Mk II and II (Bravon Ledger Co., 1942) |
Guns for the Home
Guard |
Home Guard
Instruction No. 24 - 1941: Protection against Gas |
to view) |
What to Do about Gas
(HMSO 1941) |
Poison Gas and Food in your Home
(Ministry of Food) |
After the Raid
(Ministry of Home Security - Dec. 1940) |
War Emergency -
Information and Instructions (HMSO August/September 1939)
(New - June 2023) |
The Protection of
your Home against Air Raids (HMSO 1938)
(New - July 2023) |
National Service
(HMSO 1939)
(New - July 2023) |
Grateful acknowledgement is made to
Mick Ackrill, the owner of the bulk of the original documents appearing on this page. He has generously made copies available to staffshomeguard and permitted their publication within this website; and to the original authors and publishers and their successors, most of whom are now untraceable after the passing of
more than 70 years.
Similar grateful acknowledgement
is made to the owners of many other documents
which also appear: appreciation for their generosity in
sharing their treasures is given on individual pages in this section of the website.
These contributors include: Martin
Barker, Graham
Bradbury, the late Geoff
Cradock (12th Worcs. (Warley)
Battn.), Ramsey Green, David Morse,
Derek Penrose and
Chris Woffenden, several of
whom are members of the excellent
Britain's Home Guard Facebook group.
This website is entirely non-commercial. Its sole intent is to commemorate the men who served in the Home Guard throughout WW2 and to inform others who wish to keep these memories alive. Nevertheless, if a visitor with a proprietary interest in the original material feels that ownership rights are not being properly observed, he or she is asked to contact staffshomeguard without delay using the Feedback link below. The material will then be removed from public scrutiny immediately if that is the owner's desire.