31st and 32nd
Warwickshire (Birmingham) Battalions consisted
entirely of members of the Birmingham City
Transport Department, formed in March 1941 from
earlier Birmingham Battalions, the 9th, 11th and
12th. Members were based at the
various departmental premises throughout the city
and their primary role was to defend and protect
these depots against enemy action of any kind.
Individual units also cooperated with other Home
Guard formations who were responsible for the
geographical area in which the particular B.C.T.
facility was located. Most of the
information about these two Battalions, consisting
of 3000 to 3500 men in total, comes from a
commemorative booklet published in January 1945
after the stand-down which had occurred the
previous month. The full contents of the booklet
can be read
elsewhere within this website.
One member of the 31st Battalion was
Hubert Simpson Watkin
b.1909. His name, like that of all the
other Battalion members, appears within the
booklet and confirms that he was in "A" Company
in "P.35 Unit" whose HQ was at the
Arthur Street
Depot in Small
Heath. Some of his papers have survived and are
reproduced on this page.
His identity card, countersigned by
Capt. E.C. Hull,
confirming his HG membership, and by an
Inspector in the B.C.T., was issued on 16th
August 1940. His address at that time was
69 Bankdale Road,
Alum Rock. The card was updated on April 18th
1946, presumably to confirm a change of address
to 57 Willclare Road,
Yardley. His function within the B.C.T.
is unknown.

Also unknown is any
information about the many, many hundreds of
hours of duty he would have put in over
four-and-a-half long years - weekends, evenings
and nights, on firewatching, civil defence
work during nights of the Blitz, guard duty and
constant military training - and all this on top
of the day job and unpaid. All that we know,
from the following King's certificate, is that
Hubert enlisted voluntarily in the Home Guard on
14th June, 1940 - within a few days of the very
beginning - and served right through to the
stand-down in December 1944.

One of the outstanding
aspects of HG history is the camaraderie which
developed during years of hardship, discomfort
and labour and survived after the war, in some
cases for a long time. Clearly the 31st and 32nd
Battalions were no exception and a record
survives of a reunion held on the first
anniversary of the stand-down, on Saturday 8th
December 1945 and held at the Kyotts Lake Road

Many of the names shown
in the above pages are mentioned in the
31st/32nd Battalions booklet, often with
images of the men concerned.
Let us hope that this
happy evening of friendship was repeated over
the years to come.